Why the different opinions?

So you have decided to look into SMP and are confused why artists are giving you different advice on how many sessions you will require?

Someone has said 3-4, someone else has said 2 and even someone has said 1.

SMP has now been around for approximately 14 years, and in this time, there has been a great amount of trial and error completed.

If you look at some of the best artists in the world, they are all working to a 3 session standard.

On occasion, some will do 2 main sessions and a third touch up session. Most are now doing 3 main sessions, with a fourth touch up session. 

The are a multitude of reasons for completing SMP with a conservative approach over 3 sessions. We have listed some below: 

Colour choice

When you come in for your first session, the shade/colour of the pigment that is applied to your scalp is chosen by your artist, based on a number of different things, importantly your complexion, skin tone, undertones and hair colour.

There is an element of (educated) guess work with the colour choice chosen at your first session. If the colour the artist chooses is too light, it will not be visible enough. If the colour the artist chooses is too dark, it will look blue and need to be removed.

The first session is to ‘test’ the colour chosen. When you return a week later, the artist can see how their first colour choice has healed in your skin, so that they are better informed to now decide on the next colour choice. The artist will generally be conservative in their colour choice at the first session, which will then guide them in their colour choice for session 2.

Once the artist has seen the healed result from session 1, they will then be able to safely chose a darker shade without compromising the result. 

Grey undertone/Pigment Migration

If an artist tries to complete your total result in one session, it is highly likely that pigment migration will occur. This is the process of dots joining together if they are placed too close together in one sitting. Due to the inflammation & trauma your scalp experiences from the tattooing, these dots will have a tendency to merge together, creating a grey, hazy & blurry effect. 


One of the biggest requests we receive from clients is that they dont want people to notice or question what they have had done.

By doing your treatment over 3 sessions, the result is gradual and built up over time. This eliminates any ‘shock factor’ as generally the change is too subtle for friends and family to notice. It also gives the client better control on things like hair line design, colour and density. We can always add more, but we are unable to take away. By completing your treatment slowly, you have full control and can get used to it before adding more each session. 

Reduce discomfort by 3 shorter sessions

SMP can sometimes be uncomfortable to some clients. By breaking the treatment into 3 smaller sessions, it can make it more bearable to the client, rather than sitting through a long, agonising session. 

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